Saturday, May 29, 2010

ink & holes

Hey ya'll..havnt posted in frikken forever..i been working like a trojan with no break!. i havnt had any days off what-so-ever! So im fucking excited got 2 new tattoos yesterday and my lip peirced..i put some pics in here to have a squizzy..yes my face is white and pasty, i know this lol.
i have lots to talk about, but im gonna go get some sunshine and gor for a walk before i get stuck into blogging again or ill never leave my laptop lol!!
till then ciao ciao.


  1. The tattoo on your back is gorgeous. :)
    I hope you get a day off soon!
    xoxo, Melissa

  2. Those look great! You're beautiful :)

  3. You're make-up is KILLER and your new tats/piercing look great! I'll be getting my 7th tattoo myself in the next week or two--so I'm so jealous right now!

  4. Your so pretty love your style. And the tattoos are amazing. I am planning on getting one this summer...x

  5. the tattoos are well cute and i think the lip piercing suits u really well! =) xx

  6. I love tattoos and the one on your back looks sweet!

  7. thanks guys for all your amazing comments!! ♥ tats are still a little sore but im soooo loving them ;D


  8. I love love love your choices of tattoos! I have one myself and want another. Bad thing is I can't think of what to get.

    cute shirt!
